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Plant library

Preferences - Plant Library

Library Location

This is the location of the PlantLibrary root folder, which should contain both PlantFactory and PlantCatalog folders. The interface will indicate whether the PlantCatalog, PlantFactory, or both libraries are found.

  • Personal Library: Enable this option if you have custom plants to include, and select the folder containing them. This folder can contain subfolders to organize the plants into categories.


    Only plants that are saved in .tpf file format are handled, so if you have plants that you have saved in the default PlantFactory .tpfp format, please save them inside PlantFactory as a .tpf file by going to File > Export > Export as Species.

Library Cache

To use the Browse via Blender mode, a cache must be generated. See the First time use & Importing cache for instructions.

The Presets Cache and Plant Thumbnails Cache are required, while the Preset Thumbnails Cache is optional. If not generated, presets will be displayed as a list instead of thumbnails.

Generally, you won't need to adjust these settings if you're only using the built-in plants and libraries from PlantFactory. These settings are only necessary if you want to expand your library with custom plants.

Presets Cache

  • Verify: Checks if all presets in your Plant Library are cached and provides an estimate of the time required to generate any missing presets. Shows a popup where you can specify which libraries to check.

    Cache Verify


    Here are a few examples of different states: first, with a full cache and no missing thumbnails, then with a few missing thumbnails, and finally with no cache at all.

    Cache Verify Cache Verify Cache Verify

  • Cache Missing Plants: Will show a prompt to select which libraries to target and then launches PlantFactory to check your plants and cache any missing presets.

    Cache Missing Presets

Thumbnails Cache

  • Verify: Checks the thumbnails cache for any missing plant thumbnails and provides an estimate of the time required to generate them. Shows a popup where you can specify which libraries to check.

    Cache Verify


    Here are a few examples of different states: first, with a full cache and no missing thumbnails, then with a few missing thumbnails, and finally with no cache at all.

    Cache Verify Cache Verify Cache Verify

  • Create Missing: Generates thumbnails for all missing items. Generating thumbnails involves PlantFactory rendering each plant or preset individually and saving the results as thumbnail images. Preset thumbnails also include details like plant height and polygon count.

    Cache Missing Plants

  • Verify: Checks the thumbnails cache for any missing preset thumbnails and provides an estimate of the time required to generate them. Shows a popup where you can specify which libraries to check.

    Cache Verify


    Here are a few examples of different states: first, with a full cache and no missing thumbnails, then with a few missing thumbnails, and finally with no cache at all.

    Cache Verify Cache Verify Cache Verify

  • Create Missing: Generates thumbnails for all missing items. Generating thumbnails involves PlantFactory rendering each plant or preset individually and saving the results as thumbnail images. Preset thumbnails also include details like plant height and polygon count.

    Cache Missing Plants

Import / Export Cache

To avoid rebuilding the entire cache, you can import or export an existing cache.

  • Import Cache: Imports a .pf2b cache file.
  • Export Cache: Exports a .pf2b cache file.
  • Open Cache Folder: Opens the folder containing the cache files for manual management.